Who: Incoming first-year FASS Students!
What: A fun-filled welcome event to introduce you to your new faculty! Check out our activities schedule for more details.
When: Check in will begin at 12:00pm on Saturday, September 14th, 2019. The event will be starting at 1:00pm. Please note that this event is overnight and will end at 9:00am on Sunday, September 15th, 2019.​​
Where: FASS Fest will be taking place on SFU's Burnaby Mountain Campus. Please check out this website for maps and directions. If you will be driving, check out the parking rates here. Please note that different parking lots will have different rates.
Why should I come?
FASS Fest is a student-run overnight event - that means it's planned FOR students, BY students. You'll get to meet lots of new friends while having fun with the many activities we have planned for you. Not only that, you'll also get great food, faculty-exclusive merch, and peace of mind knowing you're going into your first year with a great support network.
Do I have to stay overnight?
No - the overnight portion is optional. However, we recommend staying overnight since we will have more activities planned as the night progresses! If you're not planning to stay overnight, please contact us and let us know. You can change your mind at any time!
What do I tell my parents if they're worried about me attending, especially the overnight portion?
FASS Fest is an orientation for incoming first-year students, designed to help make the transition from high school to university easier. Students will be supervised by our many volunteers the entire time. Volunteers will have first aid and CPR training to prepare for all emergencies. Sleeping arrangements and safe spaces are priorities for our team and we take care to ensure that they are as secure as possible. SFU Security will also be on campus for the entire duration of the event.
If a parent, guardian, or supporter has any more concerns or questions, please contact us.
What should I bring?
Please check out our packing checklist! Please note that some of our activities require you to bring your
own items. For example, if you want to try our yoga activity, please bring a yoga mat! If you're planning to sleep, please also bring your sleeping bag or a blanket. There will be a bag check for you to store your items upon arrival.
Do I need to print and bring my ticket?
Help us save a tree and DON'T print your ticket! We will have the name you provided when you purchased your ticket on Eventbrite. If you bought a ticket for your friend, please email us to let us know your friend's name!
What should I NOT bring?
Please do NOT bring any weapons, drugs, alcohol, or other substances.
What should I wear?
Be ready for a fast-paced, action-filled day (and night!) We strongly recommend wearing clothes that you feel comfortable moving around in and don’t mind getting a little dirty and wet (leave your white Yeezys at home). Closed-toe shoes are a must!
Burnaby Mountain can be cold, especially at night, so make sure to bring a change of clothes including a jacket/sweater/hoodie/something warm to sleep in if you're not bringing a blanket.
Who else is going?
Check out our Instagram and blog for introductions to the team! If you'd like to connect with other attendees, check out our Facebook event page.
Can I attend if I'm a transfer student?
Yes! This event is for new incoming SFU FASS students.
Can I attend if I'm not an incoming first-year student?
Yes - however, this event is geared towards first years.
Who do I talk to if I have a question?
Find one of our volunteers - they'll be wearing dark blue FASS Fest t-shirts!
Where do I go if I need to take a break?
There will be a headquarters area that will be shown to you on the day of the event.
What if I need something from the coat check?
One of our volunteers can retrieve your items for you if you give us the number that corresponds with your checked bag.
Where can I find the event photos?
Check out our Facebook event page and Instagram for updates as photos are uploaded.
What if I have feedback or suggestions for next year?
THANK YOU for asking! Please fill out this feedback form - your feedback will help us make this event better in the future!
How can I get more involved with my faculty?
THANK YOU FOR ASKING THIS QUESTION!!! We're so excited to meet you and get to know you more :)
Our feedback form has an option for you to leave your email. You could also check out the fass.engage Instagram and the Society of Arts and Social Sciences website. To get more involved with your departmental student union (DSU), check out the DSU page.