We're so excited to meet you at FASS Fest!
Jennifer Chou
Jennifer is a second-year Psychology major. When she’s not on social media looking at memes, she’s binge-watching comedies on Netflix. You can find her knitting on the 145 bus or walking around campus in search of some delicious vegan food!
Basheer Buksh
Basheer is a fourth-year Sociology and Anthropology joint major. His favorite color is green and he has an unhealthy obsession with coffee and fries 🙂
Brianna Mau
Brianna is a fourth-year Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies major, and is also minoring in Sociology and Communications. When she's not yelling at the news cause of all that's wrong in the world, she's listening to Taylor Swift.
Jess Dela Cruz
Jess runs on coffee and finds volunteering and FASS engagement opportunities the highlights of her semesters at SFU. She says she likes to read but being a English Major, GSWS and History minor, the only reading she really has time for (if she does them) are long novels and articles. You'll usually find her speed walking around campus with a big smile on her face or journaling her life down to the T.
Christina Salvador
Christina is a second-year Political Science Major and First Nations Studies Minor. When she’s not ranting about politics... just kidding. She’s always ranting about politics.
Kayla Tso
Kayla is a second-year World Literature major. She loves learning new languages and you can often find her reading in her spare time or buying way too many books that she does not have the time to read.
Andrew Araneta
Andrew is a graduating student in Sociology and Criminology. He has the most contagious smile and personality that makes others around happy as soon as he rolls in. He has been involved within the faculty for the last two and a half years. If there is any volunteer opportunity, he probably has done it. When he isn’t writing papers or otherwise finding ways to procrastinate, he is probably drawing Disney characters. To infinity and beyond - but most importantly, welcome to FASS!
Stefanie Matos
Stefanie is a fourth-year Psychology major. She loves to travel and experience new cultures and languages. Her most recent adventure was a ten-day psychology exchange to Austria.
Zaina Khan
Zaina is a third-year History major and sociology and First Nations Studies minor. When she’s not reading during her spare time, you’ll see her taking long naps and watching shows on Netflix. Her favourite thing to do is to scroll through social media and make her friends and family laugh. She really likes Spongebob and Brooklyn 99. She also loves listening to music, especially during her sad girl hours. Her favourite fruits are apples.
Rachelle Deutsch
Rachelle is in her fourth year with a major in Linguistics and a minor in Cognitive Science. When she can, she loves to go sailing on a tall ship (it's like a pirate ship) to islands that don't exist on Google Maps.
Jasmine Padam
Jasmine will be beginning her second year this fall semester. She’s a Sociology major and a Criminology minor. You can either find her helping out with the Society of Arts and Social Sciences or at the beach paddle boarding!
Tiffani Rayo
Tiffani is a fifth-year Sociology and Criminology joint major student. She also has plans to minor in Political Science. As an oldie student taking her sweet time, Tiffani enjoys drinking matcha lattes and travelling to South Korea whenever she gets the chance.
Audrey Radstake
Audrey is a fourth-year Economics student. She is currently the President of the Economics Student Society. Audrey has been taking private French lessons, so if you’re down to have a conversation in French, let her know! In her free time, she likes going to the gym or boxing.
Hanna Yang
Hanna is a fourth-year Linguistics Major and Education Minor. She manages her addiction to croissants with salsa (the dance, not the food, though she does prefer salsa verde). If you don't find her on the salsa floor, she's teaching at SFU Latin Dance instead.
Charlotte Taylor-Baer
Charlotte is a second-year Criminology major and Archaeology minor. She is also a member of the Pre-Law Society and Criminology Student Association. When she isn’t studying she’s probably sleeping because she lives on campus so all she does is study, eat, sleep, and repeat - and of course, drink coffee.
Muskan Muhammad
Muskan is a third-year Psychology student who loves going on hikes and exploring nature. She is the VP of Marketing for the Society of Arts and Social Sciences and a big time foodie, so if you want company, ask her to join you!
Nicole Raschella
Audrey is a fourth-year Economics student. She is currently the President of the Economics Student Society. Audrey has been taking private French lessons, so if you’re down to have a conversation in French, let her know! In her free time, she likes going to the gym or boxing.
Rolan Liu
Rolan is in his fourth year pursuing an International Studies Major and Business Minor. He is an avid traveller who loves trying new things. One of his most memorable travel experiences was being stuck in a small cramped minivan for 10 hours. Outside of school, you can find him doing anything outdoors, from a hike in the summer to shredding snow in the winter.
Jeanifer Decena
Jeanifer (Jeany to her friends) is a full-time healthcare worker and incoming third-year student with a major in psychology-behavior analysis and a minor in IAT. She is currently the SASS Vice President Academic. In her spare time, she plays golf, hikes with friends, travels around the world, and meets new friends and take pictures and selfies! Don't forget that she loves to scream and laugh in the cinema as well. She is really friendly and supportive of anyone who approaches her.