SFU’s largest faculty.
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) is the largest faculty at Simon Fraser University! This diverse community offers students a wide range of programs and community engagement opportunities that allow SFU students to take their learning outside of these walls.
Our many programs.
We have a wide range of programs from Anthropology, First Nations Studies, Gerontology, Economics, Linguistics, Philosophy, Sociology, and more. With such a high interest in some of these subjects, student unions are formed under their department to bridge the connection between subject, faculty, and students through fun socials, workshops, and interconnectivity with other unions. You can check out our list of departmental student unions (DSUs) here.
Our mentorship program.
This faculty also runs the FASS Peer Mentorship Program where we connect students with experience in their faculty and program to new incoming students entering SFU. This way, the mentees have someone they can turn to when they have questions about student life, resources, and courses.
FASS Fest is one of our biggest events of the year that is student-led by multiple committees. Their hope is that new incoming students start their SFU journey with one of the most memorable overnight events in the faculty, filled with games, prizes, entertainment, and most importantly, connecting with other people. Grab your tickets here.
Be sure to check out @fass.engage on Instagram for news and updates on all things FASS!